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Stay Ready, Stay Safe

The green/yellow chapters are available.

4. Bleeding and Wounds

Treatment of minor and major bleeding. Recognizing and treating shock. Applying bandages and wound care.
Coming soon!

5. Choking and Airway Obstruction

Treating airway obstruction caused by foreign objects. Heimlich maneuver and back blows. Anaphylactic shock.
Coming soon!

6. Hypothermia

Treating heat exhaustion, hypothermia.
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7. Consciousness Disorders

Fainting, epileptic seizures, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Recognizing and administering first aid during a stroke (FAST method).
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8. Drowning

Recognizing drowning and performing CPR after a near-drowning incident.
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9. Burns

Types of burns (1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree). Immediate treatment of burns.
Coming soon!

10. Poisoning and Hazardous Substances

First aid for poisoning (ingested, skin, or eye contact). Importance of quick action and how to handle chemical or toxic substances.
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11. Fractures and Musculoskeletal Injuries

Treating fractures, sprains, and muscle injuries. Moving and immobilizing victims.
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12. Children and First Aid

Specific attention to first aid for children (e.g., choking, injuries).
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13. First Aid in Specific Environments

First aid at home, at work, in the outdoors (wilderness first aid). First aid during sports activities.
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14. Warning: disturbing images

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15. Drug-related disturbances

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16. Special Situations

First aid for animal-related accidents (bites, insect stings).
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17. Your Topic?

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18. Your Topic?

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